Selected Project Experience*
Targeted species surveys
Julia Creek Dunnart Sminthopsis douglasi survey, Julia Creek, Queensland. Conducted for BAAM.
Carpentarian Pseudantechinus Pseudantechinus mimulus survey, Mount Isa, Queensland. Conducted for BAAM.
Purple-necked Rock-wallaby Petrogale purpureicollis survey, Cloncurry, Queensland. Conducted for APEC.
Northern Quoll Dasyurus hallucatus and rock-wallaby survey, Yourka Reserve, Queensland. Conducted for Bush Heritage Australia.
Star Finch Neochmia ruficauda ruficauda survey, Julia Creek. Conducted for Epic Environmental.
Gouldian Finch Erythrura gouldiae survey, Yinberrie Hills, Northern Territory. Conducted for Biliton Gold Mine.
Gouldian Finch and Crested Shrike-tit Falcunculus frontatus whitei survey, Delamere, Northern Territory. Conducted for AECOM.
Gouldian Finch and Partridge Pigeon Geophaps smithii survey, Mt. Bundy, Northern Territory. Conducted for AECOM.
Palm Cockatoo Probosciger aterrimus macgillivrayi and Bare-rumped Sheathtail Bat Saccolaimus saccolaimus nudicluniatus survey, Cape Urquhart, Queensland. Conducted for Epic Environmental.
Yellow Chat Epthianura crocea macgregori survey, Curtis Island, Queensland. Conducted for the University of Central Queensland and Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service.
Multi-taxa fauna surveys
Terrestrial fauna survey, Wafi-Golpu Mine, Morobe Province, PNG. Conducted for BAAM.
Terrestrial fauna survey, Yandera Project, Madang Province, PNG. Conducted for 3D Environmental.
Terrestrial fauna survey, Lassul Bay, East New Britain Province, PNG. Conducted for 3D Environmental.
Terrestrial fauna survey, Eldo Plateau, Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory. Conducted for Ecosmart.
Terrestrial fauna survey and ranger training, Badu Island, Torres Strait. Conducted for David Fell Environmental.
Terrestrial fauna survey and ranger training, Gebar Island, Torres Strait. Conducted for David Fell Environmental.
Terrestrial fauna survey, Mua Peak, Mua Island, Torres Strait. Conducted for David Fell Environmental.
Bird and frog surveys, Yorkeys Knob, Queensland. Conducted for Biotropica Australia.
Monitoring terrestrial riparian vertebrates, Lady Annie, Mount Isa, Queensland. Conducted for Freehills.
Fauna survey targeting reptiles and small mammals, Yourka Reserve, Queensland. Conducted for Bush Heritage Australia.
Pifall trapping targeting mammals and reptiles, Ethabuka Reserve, Queensland. Conducted with the University of Sydney.
Fauna survey and habitat assessment, Nambour to Landsborough Rail Corridor, Queensland. Conducted for WBM Oceanics.
Wader surveys, Curtis Island. Conducted for WorleyParsons.
Terrestrial fauna survey, Emu Swamp, Stanthorpe, Queensland. Conducted for SKM.
EPBC Act-listed fauna survey, Abbot Point, Central Queensland. Conducted for CDM Smith.
Desktop projects
Plants & Animals of Badu. A book in preparation by the Torres Strait Regional Authority. Provision of expert technical advice and photographs of fauna.
Workshop for the development of EPBC Act referral guidelines for Squatter Pigeon Geophaps scripta scripta. Provision of expert technical advice to the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities.
Southern Brigalow Belt Reptile Recovery Plan. Provision of expert technical advice. WWF.
A desktop review of the Carpentarian Pseudantechinus: life history, distribution and habitat use. Prepared for Ivanhoe Australia Ltd.
Desktop and Field Evaluations of Golden-shouldered Parrot Psephotus chrysopterygius and Buff-breasted Button-quail Turnix olivii. Artemis Station, Cape York Peninsul
Referral of proposed action under Part 3 of the EPBC Act for Anthill MLA for Endangered and Vulnerable fauna species including Gouldian Finch and Carpentarian Pseudantechinus, Northwest Highlands. Prepared for CST Minerals Lady Annie.
Torres Strait Islands Terrestrial Biodiversity Management Workshop. Expert advice: Identification and review of fauna values; management of habitat for fauna values. Torres Strait Regional Authority.
Environmental assessment report appraisal - Mount Emerald Wind Farm development application. Conducted for Tablelands Regional Council, Atherton, Queensland.
A more comprehensive CV is available upon request.
* This includes work history prior to Reis Ecology & Interpretative Services. Terry Reis conducted the fauna component of these projects and was the author or co-author of the reporting.